It was great working with you and your team. The PSP4H was a great initative and I hope the lessons learned continue to feed into new initiatives.

It was great working with you and your team. The PSP4H was a great initative and I hope the lessons learned continue to feed into new initiatives.
USAID-Central Asian Republics presented me with an Eagle Award for Outstanding Service to the SMEs of Central Asia.
I am recognized as a ‘Thought Leader in Health Markets’ by the global Health Systems Hub, a knowledge platform supported by the African Development Bank, DFID, IFC, USAID, the World Bank et al.
The report is great, and thanks again for all your work on it
The programme has met or exceeded all scheduled log frame deliverables, submitted substantial additional deliverables, and has delivered in time in accordance with contract milestones. Programme score: A+
Ron is truly one of the outstanding professionals with whom I have worked in the business development field. He combines extremely strong technical skills with a no-nonsense attitude towards getting the job done that is refreshing and highly unusual.